When I was looking into this month’s astrology, I already noticed the red flags from about the middle of the month and onwards. It still amazes me when I see how the planetary alignments actually coincide with what is happening on the world stage.
So, Mars (activity, violence, bloodshed, the head) had been travelling through Taurus and was approaching a conjunction with Uranus (sudden unexpected events) with intense energy. When Mars and Uranus come together things become disruptive, dangerous and prone to accidents. As this only happens every two or so years, events usually stand out. This conjunction took place at approximately 26̊ of Taurus which also happens to be where the most malefic fixed star Algol (hanging, decapitation, extreme violence, symbolically Medusa’s head) sits. It would indicate that something with great impact could take place.
First of all, there is an assassination attempt on Trump, just as the Mars Uranus conjunction was within a degree of his MC (reputation, career) and at 26̊ of Taurus as it squared Trumps’s natal Mars in Leo in his 1st House (the self, the physical body, violence or physical danger). Later as the identification of the shooter was established it turned out that he was born on a Mars Uranus conjunction in September 2003. America’s birth chart (4th July 1776) also has a Mars-Uranus conjunction in the 7th House in Gemini.[1] (I think that the US’s gun culture finds its roots here.) Coincidence? It might be. Let’s look further.
Now let’s step back a moment to the first debate after which Biden’s faculties were called into question. What happened there? The debate took place just as Saturn (old age, limitation) was stationing retrograde at 19̊ of Pisces right on Biden’s IC (so opposite his MC). Also the Moon was conjoining both Saturn and Neptune (confusion) opposite his MC. So, Biden was having a negative planetary transit to his chart, while Trump was having a positive one where Uranus was transiting his 10th House (career, reputation) near his MC and was forming a positive aspect to Venus, who rules Taurus i.e. Trump’s 10th House. Furthermore, Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) was in Gemini – giving his Sun sign extra support.
Shortly afterwards while the Mars Uranus conjunction is still strong, but in Biden’s 6th House (health and illness), he announced that he has covid and needs to step back from several engagements. By this point transiting Mars was in opposition to his natal Sun which is in Scorpio in his 12th House (seclusion). Next to it sits Venus – the ruler of his 6th House (illness) and 11th House (friends, projects, alliances). This is the time when many allies were calling to Biden to step out of the race for presidency.
Biden steps aside from the Presidential election with the announcement on the 21st July – also the day of the full Moon in Capricorn and he endorses his vice-president Kamala Harris. The Full Moon was conjunct Pluto which was in opposition to the generation born in the 1940’s who all had Pluto in Leo. This opposition with transiting Pluto indicates a need to let go of things you’ve been possibly holding onto longer than you should. Mars moved into Biden’s 7th House (committed relationships) forming a conjunction with his natal Saturn characterising frustration, difficulty expressing anger and with the fixed malefic star Algol not too far away, relationships ending with hostility.
At the same time Mars moved into Gemini and guess what? Kamala has Gemini as her rising sign. So, over the next couple of months Mars will be transiting her 1st House – this can indicate conflicts, needing to fight for what you stand for, but it is also a sign of strong leadership, being active and decisive. Also, with Mars in Gemini things will move quickly, there will be open and direct communication and heightened activity. The Mars Uranus conjunction happened on Harris’s natal Jupiter in her 12th House and Jupiter rules her 10th House of career giving it an unexpected boost to her career and 7th House of partnerships.
Come mid-August Mars and Jupiter will square Saturn – Mars wants to be active, Jupiter to expand while Saturn puts on the breaks and wants to consolidate. Most planets will be forming tense energy come mid-month – just as the Democrats have scheduled their convention (18th -22nd August) and nominate their Presidential candidate officially. For most of August Mercury will be Retrograde so look out for misunderstandings and technical hitches during the election campaign.
Pisces eclipse in mid-September, around the time when the next debate is scheduled will take place in Harris’s 10th House of career and reputation, but in Biden’s 4th House of the home and family and things coming to an end. Could this be Biden having to move out of the White house and Harris eventually taking over?
Although I hadn’t planned on analysing political figures with both Trump and Harris born during a full Moon I think this is worth some investigation!
*If you are new to astrology and the terms used are new to you, why not join my online course for beginners starting this autumn! Or book a consultation through my homepage www.anuvindanti.com
[1] E. Sibley