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How Does Mars in Cancer Influence Our Emotions and Actions?

Bolt of lightening stricking the moon
Mars strikes Cancer

Which House is Mars transiting in your chart? How will this impulsive energy affect you in the coming months?

Having been in Gemini for the past couple of years look out for Mars in Cancer where it entered around the 4th September 2024. So the confrontational impulsive planet of Mars has entered the Cardinal signs! At the beginning of November Mars will move into Leo, then turn retrograde in December only to return to Cancer in January until it finally departs in April 2025.

If you have planets at or after 17 degrees of Cancer or one of the other Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra or Capricorn) this means this topic will be revisited by Mars three times and often this shows a sequence of events rather than a one-off event. So you may have to return to topics started on or around 4th November, around 7th January and they may conclude around 23rd February.

Depending on the placement in your chart this could just be a time when greater amounts of energy are invested in certain areas of your life, it could be very productive, but you also need to be mindful of not overdoing things. If there are challenging aspects you may experience conflict, accidents, frustration or pure anger. Due to the retrograde this won’t be over in a couple of days – this is one for the long haul, so save your energy and try to approach everything with calm and patience.

Let’s quickly recap: What does the planet Mars represent? Mars is considered the warrior – the courageous planet of action. However, the Zodiac Sign Cancer is a Water sign and is all about nurturing and care, feelings and instincts.

So when Mars is in Cancer it is considered weak because it may find it difficult to express some of it’s natural characteristics. Here Mars anticipates defeat, humiliation and grief. It can make you fiercely protective of your loved ones. Emotions can ride high resulting is arguments. If it is transiting your 6th House of health problems can arise related to blood and muscles. If this transit affects your 1st House this could have a more personal impact on your life.

If you’d like to learn more join my online Astrology group. The next courses begin in January 2025 when Mars returns to Cancer!

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